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  1. A

    Ray Peat Forum Archive

    I've gone ahead and created a simple archive of the original Ray Peat Forum. I didn't bring in the posts on this forum as it's a lot more work, I was able to get this done quickly enough using AI to do a lot of the work for me. There's probably going to be a few issues, but I do think it...
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    Is Haidut here?

    Yes, he did register and I verified his identity to ensure he's not an imposter, however he has not been active so far.
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    Ray Peat Forum

    I think it would be worth people attempting to keep a rolling archive of the content on there and saving it for a rainy day. I would just avoid replicating the content unnecessarily and causing more drama than it's worth while it's still available there.
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    Ray Peat Forum

    Now that the forum is back, I won't bring any of the posts in here. As that would just be duplicating the information that's already there. Should something ever arise again in the future...I'll get back on it.
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    Ray Peat Forum

    I’m going to work on bringing these old posts from the archive into this forum. I won’t be able to assign the posts to their original users, they’ll likely all be posted as guest users with their original name but not registered. The reason for this is that if I create the users, then I don’t...
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    Welcome, fellow Austinite!

    Welcome, fellow Austinite!
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    A new forum for Ray Peat Forum members

    They could be talking about, that’s the only other one I’m aware of. Either way totally happy to have you here!
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    Ray Peat changed my life

    Yes, it is allowed. To clarify, I would say as long as people are actively participating in discussion and don't just register an account for the sole purpose of posting a link to their book or other advertising, especially if it is totally unrelated, that is totally acceptable. I believe you...
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    A new forum for Ray Peat Forum members

    The Ray Peat Forum has taken a turn for the worst, due to some administrative actions taken by the owner of it. Let's not dwell on it. The purpose of this forum is to move forward with a new forum that implements the principals of the previous forum. That is, an open place for discussion for the...