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  1. S

    Idea labs cyproheptadine

    Glad it helped you, bro. I agree, cypro should be in every person's drawer/cabinet in case of unforeseen stress (and who does not get it these days;-?) A tablet is 4mg, the standard size for the OTC tablets used as a 2 generation anti-histamine (for people with seasonal allergies and such) For...
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    Childhood stress causes muscle dysfunction in adulthood by damaging oxidative metabolism

    That's a hell of a study to make. Don't get me wrong, the study is fascinating and great to have. However, how do you even come close to removing the "correlation vs. causation" factor, keeping all other elements constant, and basically sticking to a good scientific standard? There is so much...
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    "Concentric only" strength training

    I think concentric exercises are overrated. Natural human movement, like squat, is both concentric and excentric. The key is the amount of exercise. Anything that is more than 1 hour per week is counterproductive and harms health. That leaves us with 20 min strength training per week spread in 3...
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    A new forum for Ray Peat Forum members

    "If you build it, people will come!"
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    Idea labs cyproheptadine

    In France it's a OTC medicine, cheap and easy to buy. Makes you sleepy as hell even at small doses.
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    Dry eye disorder is often caused by androgen deficiency (restored by increasing testosterone)

    Cool stuff. Poorly functioning eye muscle that stretches the crystal in the eye is the cause of poor vision. Muscles degenerate as testosterone falls.
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    Ray Peat changed my life

    What do you mean, potentially married? :) Do you engage in regular sex with that German singer woman or not (yet)?
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    Low cerebral vitamin B5 pantothenic acid as a reversible possible cause of neurodegeneration & dementia in Alzheimers Huntingtons Parkinsons [myelin]

    Will large doses of B5 cause resistance or withdrawal symptoms? People taking high doses B3 get an energy crash after few months of heavy dosing.
  9. S

    Tips to deal with aggressive partly demented people

    Do you have a child custody? If yes, you are good to leave him. If not, does your spending time with your child depend on permission of your ex? If yes, you need to get into dialog and agree on a scheme of things. Apart from that, remove all contact with him/her. It's that simple.