The Milk diet


New member
Here to pick people’s brain on the milk diet.
I’m personally on it now, and love it!
The reason I started it was in solidarity with my dog. She is the one that I’m trying to fix, and a week ago I decided drastic measures were needed and I put her on the milk diet.

History- GSD, 7, not spayed. Always been active and healthy, except recurring skin issues since a pup. She has been on a home made diet her whole life. I have had her on no starch, novelty protein. Raw, cooked. I have tried it all. A year ago I had to board her, and put her on allergy shot and anti fungals from the vet. It worked for a couple of months, until the side effects. Dry cracking bleeding lips, lethargy and loss of appetite. I pulled her off it, and she is happy again, but the skin is worse than ever. Benadryl does nothing. Medicated shampoo helps, but only for a few days. Also tried probiotic shampoos, that seem to also help too, for a day or two. I currently have to wash her 2-3 times a week to keep her comfortable. Been to several vets that say that they have nothing else to offer and that “some side are just like that”. The last vet told me that my dog wasn’t that bad, and I should see HER dog’s skin issues! So- they don’t know how to fix this. At all.
There is no alternative vets around here (any more). Just regular vets that dabble with acupuncture for pain management as a side thing.

So- I thought to give her digestion a break and just put her on the raw milk diet.
Despite being picky, she has been consuming it. It’s getting harder now though, as she quickly gets tired of the same food for too many days. Made milk gelatin cubes a few times so it feels like she is eating something.
It’s hard to get enough milk into her.
I’d like her to have at least 1.5 quarts a day.
Has anyone else tried this?

Does anyone have any thoughts that might help?