Tips to deal with aggressive partly demented people

Sun sun

New member
Maybe forum members could share some tips how to deal with aggressive partly demented people.
The person, my ex partner, who was abusing alcohol since he was 12, later on started living clean, but the brain damage was done.
He took everything from me, lied to police and now is putting me in prison for a year. How to cope with such insanity?
I really need to manage this through.
Can people share tips how to manage this through. I know the prison is not the end of the world, but this constant false accusations, online bullying,
taking out my messages out of context and showing to the police. He is constantly copying my stories about abuse, threats, and providing then a year or 2 later as his own. And nobody cares if i provide the evidence that this is what I said a year ago, and he just copied and pasted it.
It is unbelievable how stupid and racist police can be.
Everyone just jumps into the wagon of bullying a victim together. I can see that the person is demented, but nobody sees that.
They are following him like germans the Hitler. It looks like hypnosis.
I never believed that situation is so bad in this society, until I was abused so severely.
Multiple people know that I am being attacked but nobody never ever came to me to say they are sorry.
Regular people just show some interest for 10 minutes and move on with their own life.
Most of my own relatives said it is normal, their friends do very similar things to their ex partners.
I am thinking of leaving the civilization after the prison but I do not know where to go.
If I stop communicating with that person i face prison again, as a child is involved.
I basically have to give up on the child and disappear.
Maybe there are other ways.
Do you have a child custody? If yes, you are good to leave him. If not, does your spending time with your child depend on permission of your ex? If yes, you need to get into dialog and agree on a scheme of things. Apart from that, remove all contact with him/her. It's that simple.
Can you hash out the story in greater detail?
If you are innocent you should seek legal help. If not then that's a hole other kettle of fish